At FBC Riesel we gather weekly, monthly, and annually to celebrate, learn, and enjoy the presence of Jesus. These times together are open to the whole Riesel community and we would love to have you join us.

Sunday Morning Worship
Everyone is welcome to join us for a time of corporate worship each week at 11am. Whether you're in your Sunday best or a pair a blue jeans, you will fit right in. Our music style is a blend between contemporary worship and Baptist hymns, and you can expect to be engaged with a gospel centered message by our pastor each week. A Kid's Church service is also available during the main service hour. In addition, on the first Sunday of each month, we partake in the Lord’s Supper together. Our desire is that you feel welcome here at FBC, and that you leave having experienced an authentic encounter with the Holy Spirit.

Children's Church

Wednesday Night Meal
Each Wednesday during the school year, we gather together for a free meal. All are invited to join us for this time of fellowship beginning at 6:30pm.

Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study
Each Wednesday night we gather in the sanctuary to pray and dive into God's Word at a deeper level.

Wednesday Night Youth Ministry
The youth gather each Wednesday night from 7:00pm-8:00pm for games and Bible study. This ministry is student focused and God centered. We hope to provide students with a positive environment to praise and worship Jesus Christ. Our Youth Minister, Brandon Cope, has a passion for his students to “walk against worldly influences” and learning to be living, breathing, examples of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday Night Children's Ministry
Each week, the children of our community are invited to a time a fun, worship, and teaching from 6:30pm-8:00pm. We are committed to engage in the life of every child who passes through our doors. We hope that children will grow in knowledge, wisdom, and faith. Come be a part of a growing, dynamic, Christ-centered ministry!

Summer Camps
Kids and Youth make transforming and lasting memories attending summer camp! Our 3rd through 6th graders participate in a high-energy, action-packed week long camp experience! Students from 7th-12th grade are invited to join our Youth Group at camp!

Weekly Bible Studies
Women's Bible Studies available: Monday's at 8:30 am & Sunday's at 4:30 pm. Men's Bible Study is available on Monday's at 6:00 pm. All are located in our Fellowship Hall.
For ages 0-3.
Your children will be taken care of and loved on by our wonderful nursery worker and rotating volunteers, during both the Sunday School and Worship Service hour. This is a great time for them to interact with other children and develop trust with others within the church.
PreK - 3rd Grade Class
Children will learn Bible truths in a way that keeps their interest, and helps them understand how much God loves them.
4th - 6th Grade Class
Fun and interactive games and lessons that will help draw kids into God's Word and closer to Jesus.
Youth Class
For grades 7-12.
This class explores one book of the Bible at a time, covering the entire Bible over a 6 year period. Students will gain a thorough knowledge of Scripture, aiding them as they follow Jesus.
Adult Faith and Fellowship Class
This class explores a wide range of topics and themes, on a rotating basis, in the areas of Bible, Theology, and Discipleship.
Men's Class
This class offers a more mature perspective for men seeking a topical study of the Scripture.