We’re Back!

You are welcome to join us in worship service each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Things will look a little different as we follow the appropriate protocols required of us during these days.  Ushers will be guiding us to seating that follows social distancing guidelines.  Once the sanctuary reaches its limit, we will lead you to the Fellowship Hall for overflow seating.  There are sanitizer stations at the entrance door.  Children 4 years old to sixth grade can participate in a worship designed for them in the Sunday School building during this hour.  Masks are not required but we do ask if you have flu-like symptoms to join us in worship via Facebook Live.  We miss seeing your faces, but our service’s FB presentation will continue for those of the at-risk population to be able to join us from home.  That link is https://www.facebook.com/Firstbaptistriesel/.

For the time being, we will not be meeting for regular Sunday School or Wednesday night activities.  Please check our website at fbcriesel.org for updates to our schedule and other announcements.  Our outreach activities will continue, so if you or someone you know has any immediate needs during this time, please let us know.


We have added an online giving option to our GIVE page here on our website. Please feel free to use this safe and convenient option for your tithes and offerings. If you prefer to mail a check, our address is also given on the GIVE page.